DataCash and Andromeda aim for bigger slice of food delivery software

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DataCash, the UK’s leading bank independent payment services provider, has partnered with Andromeda, the UK’s leading supplier of delivery EPOS systems, to provide a high-speed card authorisation delivery and counter service to customers. Andromeda already provides EPOS systems to many of the UK’s major delivery companies, including integrated online ordering, and is the exclusive integrated EPOS provider for’s Eat In service.

“This year we are introducing counter service and restaurant systems which will offer similar benefits to those of quick service outlets,” explains Ben Portsmouth, co-Founder and Director of Andromeda. “By teaming up with DataCash, we can process a card transaction as quickly as cash which is important for customers with busy ordering times.”

An example is a bustling coffee shop which for practical reasons cannot accept credit cards using a PDQ as this can take up to a minute for each transaction and unnecessarily lengthens the customer queuing period. By combining the Andromeda counter service system with DataCash card processing, operators can process a card transaction in under two seconds. Transactions are fully integrated into the EPOS system, removing the potential for human error.

“For merchants this is a great service because it offers some very simple cost-saving and revenue-generating benefits,” says Gavin Breeze. “Delivery operators can expect increased sales at peak times as order-taking is reduced by half. Research also shows that consumers spend up to 20-50% more when they pay by card.”

The system will also validate address and card security details which in turn will reduce fraud charge backs. It can also handle multiple simultaneous transactions, avoiding the need for staff to share a PDQ machine.

Operators will have access to a real-time MIS Reporting suite.

The target market for DataCash and Andromeda is around 5,000 delivery outlets and more than 22,000 counter service outlets in the fast food and coffee shop sectors, plus 41,000 bars and pubs**.

** Market stats Source – Experian