Andromeda announces New Rameses Add On Modules

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The Rameses Add On Modules are specifically designed to meet the needs of each of our customers, each bringing different a host of benefits to you and your customers. Our basic packages are based around the requirements of those running a smaller business and our Rameses Enterprise package includes HQ reporting functionality, store comparison abilities alongside other functionality that allows your EPOS system to scale as your business grows from strength to strength.

Optional Rameses Add Ons are:

Off-site Training

Your Rameses Delivery EPOS comes with half-day of go live training/support. It’s that simple. Many chains are choosing to send their managers/supervisors on Andromeda’s new 1 day off-site training course where free from distraction, store operators will gain confidence in the use of Rameses and become better able to provide ongoing support for their staff.


Online Ordering

Internet orders now account for around 15% of food retail transactions, and this figure is rising. Online ordering helps to distinguish you from your competitors, can reduce labour costs and can make a significant impact on your stores profitability. Rameses Delivery EPOS, in conjunction with partners OrderTalk provide a complete branded solution, incorporating fast online card processing. Payment card details are verified online and the details of the order passed directly to Rameses, therefore avoiding the loss of orders that is so typical when employing fax based services to receive orders. This has the added benefit of freeing up your order taking staff so they can focus on taking additional telephone and walk-in orders, rather than confirming fax based orders.


Rameses RTG (Rapid Transaction Gateway system)

Integrated credit card processing allows you to generate more sales by increasing average spend per order. This allows your system to process payments simultaneously on multiple Rameses order taking stations, in just seconds per order. This alleviates customer queues, improves customer service and allows you to serve more customers and make more money, especially given that customers will place larger orders on card than when paying by cash.



Where you have multiple cuisines and separate cook stations, Rameses EPOS splits the order to the correct location in your kitchen.


Call Centre

Rameses is the only UK provider with an integrated call centre – allowing you to take all orders centrally, improving customer service, reducing labour and increasing customer spend. Ideal for sites with limited space at store level.


Text Notification & Marketing SMS

When your customer’s food order is dispatched for delivery, a text notification message is automatically sent. This improves customer service and reduces calls from those chasing food orders – you can take more new orders instead. Customers can be contacted with special offers or messages directly from the marketing screen for just a few pence, winning instant orders and improving customer loyalty.


Head office

Many of Andromeda’s larger chain store customers now benefit from extensive Head Office reporting using AMS (Andromeda Metrics Server). Your sales information & key statistics will be collated by store within your head office overnight, allowing your Management a clear, concise view into each stores performance.


Order Tracking

The latest Add-On Modules that we are proud to deliver are the GPS and Order Tracking Modules . These Add-On Modules are designed to track order progress and then to track the drivers in real time and accurately measure their delivery times. If you decide to take advantage of this option then you and your staff in store, as well as your customers, can track their food at any given time just by accessing your web page and entering the food order number. Isn’t that amazing? We think so. There are a wealth of immediate cost and efficiency benefits that adding the Tracking Modules will bring to your business, as well as how can they will help to increase your customer satisfaction – meaning they order from you again and again. As we like to say “Andromeda opens a world of e-possibilities for all of our customers”.


Performance Dashboard

By choosing the Performance Dashboard Add On Module you will have the option to monitor, in real time, a number of Key Performance Indicators for every store in your chain. Items measured include service times, sales value and numbers of orders. The information is constantly updated and displayed on an easy to read display in the store. Using this information, each store can see its performance against the national and area averages and also its position in a “ league table”. The top and bottom 5 stores are also shown, in real time, for each measure.