Andromeda announces agreement with Perfect Pizza

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Perfect Pizza and Andromeda are delighted to announce that they have signed an agreement listing Andromeda as an approved supplier of EPOS systems to Perfect Pizza.

The initial aim is to provide Epos systems to All Perfect Pizza stores replacing a number of old legacy systems across the Estate.

In tandem with this project, Andromeda will also provide its sophisticated AMS head office system. Already in use with several chains throughout Europe, AMS will provide real benefits to Perfect Pizza in its plans to update and expand its estate of more than 110 stores.

Perfect Pizza Managing Director Tony Sherriff commented:

“We feel that franchisees should have a choice of the best products in the market and we have been impressed with the capability of the Andromeda system, which has demonstrated the advantages it can bring to the business and the positive impact that it can have on franchisee’s sales. Using technology to grow sales is becoming more and more critical as more people choose to shop online and if franchisees have not invested the time to do so is now.”

Kevin Duck, Sales Manager at Andromeda added “Perfect Pizza is recognised as the pioneer in pizza delivery in the UK, and it is very exciting to be invited to help in this important time in their history”.