Andromeda Text EPOS Service simply a blast for customer

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Andromeda, a leading provider of delivery EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) services, has launched a novel yet simple and highly effective integrated text messaging service for food delivery companies and their customers. As well as notifying their customers by text that a delivery is on its way, food delivery companies can now issue special alerts and promotions to increase demand during typically quiet trading periods and build up longer term loyalty. Having trialled the service with a few clients, including Famous Moes, Andromeda now sees the potential to extend its new offering to other food delivery businesses.

The new services, which include Text Notification, Text100 Blast and Bespoke SMS Blast, are a direct extension of the company’s EPOS system, Rameses, and are being marketed together with Goldcross Marketing.

Text Notification notifies the customer that their order has been despatched, meaning that they don’t have to keep ringing up to find out where their food is. It also means that delivery companies can free up their phone lines to take additional orders instead of handling calls from customers chasing to find out whether their current order is on its way.

Text100 Blast enables food companies to drum up more business by issuing special offers – for example, buy one pizza and get one free on a Monday evening, typically a quiet day of the week for food outlets. Bespoke SMS Blast gives food companies the ability to send a regular campaign of special offers, weekly, monthly or seasonally.

“Our aim has been to provide food delivery companies with a simple but highly effective form of direct marketing, integrated into their existing EPOS system,” explains Ben Portsmouth, Director of Andromeda. “Text messaging in this way provides several short and long term benefits, from immediate sales during quiet periods to customer loyalty because customers feel as if they are getting something special.”

Within a month of trialling the service, over 7,500 text messages were issued and the response from Andromeda’s clients has been noticeable.

During the trial period a Famous Moes store recorded £200 worth of additional orders in one shift, after sending just 100 messages at a cost of £7. Commenting, Finance Director of Famous Moes, Arash Shababi, said: “As a business always on the lookout to create new opportunities for our customers we welcomed the opportunity to try out Andromeda’s new messaging service. We have been delighted with the response – it’s been a very simple way of driving otherwise untapped business.”

Each of the services is available to Andromeda’s clients from just seven pence per text message sent, plus a £1.25 invoice charge per week. Andromeda is also offering a Money Back Guarantee. If clients find that the response is not providing them with a satisfactory return, they will receive their money back, subject to terms and conditions.